A lot of people ask me why painting your home is so important. Not only is it important from a cosmetic standpoint, but from a practical standpoing. Think of the paint job as the skin of the exterior or interior of your home/business. It protects the interior and exterior surface areas from the elements, while creating and enhancing a mood, especially on the interior of your home. Thoughtful color choices, proper prep work, and professional execution of painting projects will really make a huge difference!
Our painting crews protect all your furniture, fixtures, and floor coverings when they prepare the area, however we ask that you clear the room of small items and breakables. We can also move the bigger items for you when we arrive upon request.
We ask that any shrubbery be cut back (approximately 2 feet from home), furniture is moved off the patio and/or deck, window screens are unlocked from the inside, and someone be home for the pressure washing. Also, it’s important to let us know if you have noticed any severely rotten wood and major water leaks around windows, doors, or ceilings so we can address these issues prior to starting the project.
Firstly, we would like to state that we can match any color from any brand. However, we are huge fans of Sherwin Williams interior and exterior products as well as PPG, and Benjamin Moore product line. The reason why we like these products is we have the most experience with them. We have used other brands but we feel, from a durability and value perspective, these products are the best. Do you have a specific brand/product that you would like to use – let us know!
Yes. Most people we work for are not home while work is going on. While you are at work or running errands, our crew will be busy painting. We are licensed and fully insured so there is nothing to worry about.
Assuming that all of the painting contractors that you’re comparing are an apples-to-apples comparison of licensed and insured reputable companies, then one of the biggest reasons that you might see a large range of prices is in the Scope Of Work to be performed.
The Scope Of Work outlines in detail what the contractor intends to do in each phase of the job to provide you with your finished painting project. Without a Scope Of Work in writing from your contractor you will have no way of being certain that they intend to follow all of the necessary steps to do the work correctly, and you will also have no means of accurately comparing their bid with the others that you receive. Make sure that each contractor who provides you with a bid for your project includes a written Scope Of Work with their proposal.
Depending on color choice, atmospheric conditions, and other variables, latex paint may take up to 60 days for a “full cure”. In most cases, latex paint can be put to normal use after a day or two. Fresh latex should be allowed to cure for at least 14 days before attempting to wipe or wash the walls. It can be sensitive to water or chemicals during the curing process.
You can take some denatured alcohol or fingernail polish on a cloth and lightly rub it on an inconspicuous test area.
If the paint softens and is easily removed, then it is a latex paint. If the paint does not really seem to be affected by the test, it is typically an alkyd coating.
All paints, varnishes, and solvents contain volatile organic compounds, or VOCs. Exposure to VOCs can trigger asthma attacks, respiratory problems, eye irritation, nausea, or dizziness. Because of these health concerns, a number of paint manufacturers have introduced Low or No VOC paint alternatives.